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Intro to Agility

In agility dogs race against the clock as they navigate an obstacle course. Courses have between 14-20 obstacles. In AKC classes are Standard, Jumpers with Weaves, Time 2 Beat, and FAST. Levels are ACT I & II (optional), Novice, Open, Excellent, and Masters. In AKC dogs need 3 qualifying scores in Standard or Jumpers with Weaves to earn that title and move onto the next level.

Obstacles include:

· A-frame · dog walk · seesaw · pause table, · tunnel · weave poles · bar jumps (single, double, and triple) · panel jumps, tire jump · broad jump · wall jump

To be eligible to compete in AKC Agility, your dog must:

  • Be at least 15 months of age

  • Have an AKC number

  • Spayed or neutered dogs are eligible to compete, but females can’t be in season

Handlers are permitted to walk the course without the dog prior to the start of the class. At the handler’s option dogs may run a course with (must be flat buckle or rolled leather without attachments) or without a collar. Dogs run the course off leash. Dogs are brought to the start line on a leash. Slip leads, choke chains, and body harnesses are permitted to lead a dog to the start line. Pinch/prong and electrical collars, head halters, and special training collars are not allowed anywhere on the trial grounds. Food and toys are not permitted in the course area and handlers are not permitted to use or have in their possession while running the course, whistles, stopwatches, leashes, fanny packs, or other handling/training aids. They can use any verbal commands and hand signals and body language they wish.

The maximum attainable score in the Standard and Jumpers with Weaves classes is 100 points. In order to earn a qualifying score a dog must pass with the minimum allowable score or better, and not receive any non-qualifying deductions. In Novice, a score of 85 or better is required to qualify.

Penalties are applied if the dog:

· exceeds the allotted time for the course

· earns a refusal (starts towards an obstacle and ceases forward motion or turns back on its path, or incorrectly enters the weave poles) - in AKC novice no more than 2 allowed in standard and 1 in jumpers with weaves

· earns a run-out (passes the plan of the next correct obstacle)

· does a wrong course (engages in any part of an obstacle that was not the next one in sequence) - in AKC novice only one allowed in standard and none allowed in jumpers with weaves

· leaves the pause table prior to completing the 5 second count - two allowed in AKC novice standard

In AKC a non-qualifying score is earned if the dog:

· knocks a bar

· doesn’t clear the broad jump

· misses a contact zone (including flying off the seesaw)

· doesn’t complete all of the obstacles that are a part of the course

· contacts handler (or handler contacts dog)

· exceeds the allowable faults for the particular class and level

There are many other agility venues. Another popular one in this area of PA is Canine Performance Events (CPE). Classes are different and include more games and level 1 begins with no weaves or seesaw. There are also no refusals or run-outs and more faults are often allowed, particularly at lower levels including knocked bars sometimes.


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